related metrics presents an opportunity to trigger policy learning, action, and cooperation to bring cities closer to sustainable development.
The main objective of the project ENERGY BARGE is to exploit the potential for green energy in the form of biomass along the Danube River in a sustainable way, thereby increasing energy security and efficiency in the Danube countries, considering:
An outstanding feature of the ENERGY BARGE project is its cross-sectoral approach: the project will bring together key actors along the entire value chain, stakeholders from the bioenergy industry, Danube ports as well as relevant public authorities and policy stakeholders. This shall support transnational know-how transfer and cooperation.
ENERGY BARGE will build a platform for the exchange of experiences and best practices, extending the deployment of biomass for energy production in the Danube region.
There are 15 partners involved in the project from 7 countries:
An increased use of Danube logistics will help to reduce emissions, to establish a low-carbon transport system and to improve the environment performance along the entire bioenergy value chains.
The project’s promotion of ports as locations for processing, handling and storage of biomass for energy production supports port development. To map value chains and facilitate market uptake of biomass for energy production in the Danube corridor the project will put great emphasis on disseminating the results of the project specifics and findings through newsletters, articles, news and interactive social media activities.
The project in particular contributes to the implementation of the action plans elaborated in Priority Area (PA) 2 “Energy” and PA 1a “Inland Waterways” of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR).
Newsletters about the project progress are published on regular basis
In this edition of the newsletter you will find information about the scope and objective of the project ENERGY BARGE as well as a review to our first project meeting in Austria.
Through the project’s unique cross-sectoral approach to increase the market uptake of biomass in the Danube region and support better connected transport systems along the Danube, we aim to contribute to an improved energy security and efficiency in its neighboring countries.
In this edition of the newsletter you will find information about the scope and objective of the project ENERGY BARGE as well as a review to our first national workshop in Ruse, Bulgaria.
DOWNLOADIn this edition of the Newsletter the focus moves on the way ENERGY BARGE is presenting the project’s activities through the use of Social Media.
In this edition of the Newsletter the main focus is on the European Strategy for the Danube Region, respectively the 6th Annual EUSDR Forum, factsheet and the 4th Danube Participation Day.
Apart from this, you can find a first brief of the results of the Work Package 3 of the project regarding the study about Biomass and bioenergy markets in the Danube Region. We hope you enjoy reading!
In this issue of the newsletter we take a closer look at the Capitalisation Strategy of the Danube Transnational Programme. The strategy strives to improve the quality and sustainability of the project’s results, strengthen the communication to common stakeholders and to reinforce existing and forming new cooperation networks also with projects from other funding programmes. In this way the visibility of the funded projects can be increased in the entire Danube region and beyond.
In this issue we take a closer look at the 2nd National Workshop which took place in Zagreb on 18th January 2018 and brought together our project partners with Croatian stakeholders from the fields of biomass/bioenergy and inland waterway transport.
A broad range of topics, covering several sectors of the biomass industry, were presented: production and utilisation of different biomass feedstocks like wood and miscanthus, but also constraints regarding freight transports on the Sava River.
In this issue of the newsletter we are looking ahead to the Danube Business Talks in Vienna in October 2018, which will be the prelude to regional business-to-business meetings within the ENERGY BARGE project .
Another topic is the “Year of Multimodality”, announced by the European Commission for 2018 to reduce CO2 emissions, air polution and traffic congestions in the European transport systems.
In this issue of the newsletter we take a look at the ENERGY BARGE report on barriers to biomass production in the partner countries and possibilities to increase the use of biomass to generate energy.
Another issue is the “Green Deal for Danube River Transport“ – a policy initiative developed by Pro Danube to improve the efficiency and environmental performance of Danube logistics.
Furthermore, our partner from BioCampus Straubing GmbH met a regional group of the political party „DIE LINKE“ for an information exchange about the ENERGY BARGE project.
In this issue of the newsletter we take a look at the bioenergy landscape in our partner countries along the Danube. In this context, we set up an inventory of potential users for Danube logistics from the bioenergy industry by applying logistic criteria.
We also would like to draw your attention already to the ENERGY BARGE online platform, whose first part with information on the biomass landscape will go online in June 2018. The online platform shall facilitate a cross-sector learning and contribute to a modal shift to Danube logistics.
In this issue we outline the findings and conclusions drawn from interviews with potential users of Danube logistics from the bioenergy industry. The logistics requirements of raw materials, indermediates and end products within the bioenergy supply chains were compiled by the project partners in an assessment report.
Existing potentials and needed investments in the Danube logistics sector were identified. In addition, a summary of the ENERGY BARGE report about barriers and bottlenecks regarding green biomass logistics is part of this newsletter.
In this issue we look back to the 3rd National Workshop, which took place in Bucharest on 7th June 2018. Further, ENERGY BARGE participated at the workshop of ETIP Bioenergy in Novi Sad in the framework of the 3rd South East European Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems on 3 July 2018.
Both workshops demonstrated that potentials of untapped biomass potentials are available in the regions, but also that there are already competitions between different end users and users regarding the use of biomass as feedstock for material or energetic use that need to be respected in order to avoid conflicts of interest
In this issue, the expected developments of the heat and electricity generation from biomass as well as the demand for liquid biofuels in the ENERGY BARGE partner countries until 2030 are presented. The potential developments have been analysed under three different scenarios (Business-as-Usual (BAU), Best Case and Worst Case Scenario).
Without acting on those factors that can be modified (e.g. policy support mechanisms, CO2 reduction measures), the scenario analysis suggests that the overall demand for bioenergy in the Danube region will decrease. Recommendations to improve the framework conditions for the bioenergy market are also included in this newsletter.
In this issue, an overview on a set of regional case studies assessing the cases potential for integrated biomass and bioenergy production are summarised. Special attention was paid to the incorporation of Danube logistics and port locations.
Success factors for functioning as a good practice example in the field of biomass utilisation comprise a broad and continuous political support and funding on regional level. A strong actor base from the research and industrial sectors, various sources of biomass feedstock supply, including versatile logistics options, enable the integration of biomass supply and bioenergy carrier production as well as a stringent development strategy.
In the frame of the ENERGY BARGE project, the project partners from the logistics sector prepared
pre-feasibility studies to define development plans and investment needs required to strengthen the Danube ports as logistics hubs for the bioenergy sector. In this issue of the newsletter, the study conducted by the Port of Vienna to increase the shares of log wood and waste wood that are handled in the port is presented.
Further, we would like to take this opportunity to
kindly invite you to register for the Danube Business Talks on 10 and 11 October in Vienna. The registration procedure is open until 5 October.
The modal shift platform of the ENERGY BARGE project has been launched!
In the 15th issue of the project's newsletter, the modal shift platform, which merges the so-called biomass & bioenergy atlas and the platform for green bioenergy logistics along the Danube is presented.
The online tool provides information about the company landscape, business contacts and biomass feedstock flows in the Danube region. Hereby, cross-sectoral and cross-border cooperation of the biomass and the Danube logistics sector shall be fostered. Companies are invited to register and join the platform to build up a bioenergy and logistics network along the Danube.
Further, we look back on the first ENERGY BARGE business-to-business meeting in Vienna.
In this issue of the ENERGY BARGE newsletter, the pre-feasibility study conducted by the Slovak Shipping and Ports JSC is presented. The study aimed to define a development plan and investment needs required to strengthen the port as a logistics hub for the bioenergy sector. It evaluates a transhipment and storage facility in the port of Bratislava, suitable for the handling of wood pellets and chips in bulk.
Further, we would like to take this opportunity to kindly invite you for the next ENERGY BARGE business-to-business meeting on 22 November in Bratislava.
The ENERGY BARGE consortium recently published a concise and practice-oriented handbook about framework conditions for Danube logistics services related to the transport, handling and storage of biomass.
A comprehensive and reliable inventory of Danube logistics providers that are specialised on logistics requirements of the biomass and bioenergy industry has been compiled to support potential users of the Danube waterway in planning concrete transports.
In addition, our port partners from BioCampus Straubing GmbH report about their site visit at the Danube Port Enns in Austria.
In the course of the ENERGY BARGE project, our partners from the logistics sector prepared pre-feasibility studies to define development plans and investment needs required to strengthen Danube ports as logistics hubs for the bioenergy sector. In this issue, the study conducted by MAHART-Freeport to evaluate the installation of a biomass power plant at the port site is presented.
Furthermore, we take a look back on the bioenergy site delegation exchange programme and the second ENERGY BARGE business-to-business meeting, which both took place in Bratislava in November.
In the course of the ENERGY BARGE project, our partners from the logistics sector prepared pre-feasibility studies to define development plans and investment needs required to strengthen Danube ports as logistics hubs for the bioenergy sector.
In this issue, the study conducted by the Port Authority Vukovar to evaluate the establishment of a biomass trade centre at the port site is presented.
Further, we would like to take this opportunity to kindly invite you to register for the ENERGY BARGE business-to-business meeting on 5 February 2019 in Vukovar, Croatia.
Our project partners are currently compiling a set of recommendations and proposals for EU and national policy makers to contribute to an improved biomass utilisation in the Danube region. In this issue, we would like to present some first recommendations to reduce identified barriers in order to facilitate the development of a well-functioning biomass production and logistics network along the Danube.
Furthermore, we would like to provide you with an update on the ENERGY BARGE modal shift platform.
In this issue, we look back at the latest ENERGY BARGE workshops that were successfully held at the end of January in Budapest and at the beginning of this month in Vukovar.
Both events also comprised Business-to-Business (B2B) matchmaking events. The B2B meeting platforms and events proved to be very effective tools to offer logistics service providers and cargo owners (potential users from the biomass and bioenergy industry) a personalised networking opportunity. It is events like these that facilitate sustainable business contacts and support a modal shift towards the Danube waterway – one of the main objectives of the ENERGY BARGE project.
In the course of the project, our partners from the logistics sector compiled pre-feasibility studies to define development plans and investment needs to strengthen Danube ports as logistics hubs for the bioenergy sector. In this issue, the analysis conducted by the Port of Straubing to provide additional storage space for biobased feedstocks and products is summarised.
Further, we would like to kindly invite you to register for the final ENERGY BARGE B2B matchmaking event on 20 March 2019 in Straubing, Germany. External participants are also highly welcome to join the workshop on potentials for the biobased economy in the Danube region in combination with three site visits in the region of Straubing on 19 March.
In this issue, we take a look back on the fifth and final ENERGY BARGE business-to-business meeting that was conducted in the SENNEBOGEN Academy in the Port of Straubing. International participants from the Danube logistics and cargo owner sectors met to inform themselves about the latest trends in growing markets such as biobased cargo and to discuss business opportunities in 15-minute speed datings.
Furthermore, we would like to kindly invite you you to attend the final ENERGY BARGE conference on 23 May 2019 in Budapest. External participants are highly welcome to discuss development plans and investments needs to strengthen Danube ports as logistics hubs for the bioenergy sector.
Our partners from the Port of Vienna and MAHART-Freeport (Port of Budapest) carried out two pilot investments in the frame of the project. The objective is to increase the capacity of the two ports in terms of biomass logistics to support the development of new value chains and to demonstrate the effectiveness of small-scale pilot investments as unprecedented solutions in the respective ports.
The pilot investments were selected as a result of a market analysis and verification with the biomass industry by the participating ports. At the same time, the pilot actions aim to create transferable solutions to other Danube ports.
Fostering sustainable usage of biomass for energy production in the Danube region and to increase the share of environmentally friendly biomass-transport on the Danube are the main concerns of the ENERGY BARGE project.
On 23 May 2019, ENERGY BARGE held its final conference in Budapest. The consortium presented the main outcomes of the project and discussed with the audience how the measures implemented in the last 2.5 years might find its way into transnational policies, e.g. the Actional Plan of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region, which will be revised during the upcoming months.
In addition, we look back on the series of five business-to-business meetings that were conducted successfully during the latest project period.
Facilitating the modal shift away from road transport towards more energy efficient means of transportation is one of the central issues the EU faces in creating a more climate-friendly future. Regarding the transport of bioenergy products, ENERGY BARGE delivered important contributions to facilitate the modal shift towards inland waterway transport.
During the past 30 months, the main achievements included the creation of the Modal Shift Platform, the realisation of a series of B2B networking events and the implementation of five pre-feasibility studies for future investments in Danube ports, as well as two pilot investments in the Port of Vienna and MAHART Freeport of Budapest. With this successful track record, the project now comes to an end.
ENERGY BARGE is co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF).