Published papers
Aims and Scope:
The Journal of Sustainable Development of Natural Resources Management (JSDNAREMA) is an international interdisciplinary journal dedicated to improving and disseminating the knowledge on theory, methods, policies and technologies for increasing the sustainable use and management of natural resources. This journal mainly publishes innovative outcomes and relevant academic reviews in the field of resource science, reports the latest research results, introduces the cutting-edge trends of the discipline, and serves to establish and develop the theoretical system of resource science and promote the sustainable utilization and management of resources worldwide, regarding land, marine, water, energy, climate, society, economy, food their many combinations.
The journal topics include (subject to periodical updates):
Annual volumes, quarterly issues – papers published as soon as accepted, starting with 2025.
Review process:
Single blind (reviewers see the author names)
Plagiarism checking:
All submissions are check against plagiarims with iThenticate tools.
Method of Publishing:
Online, open access. Users have the right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles published in JSDNAREMA journal.